Thursday, January 29, 2015

Stress is a Horrible Thing!

I have been offline for quite some time due to many reasons. Most of which include STRESS! I am totally looking forward to February because to date January was a pretty stressful month for me. The new house is moving along, with several snags in our plans. We have had to push back so many things in order to make sure things are done correctly the first time! Currently we are waiting for our plumbing issues to work themselves out, because we failed our plumbing inspection! My poor husband is functioning on only a few hours of sleep per night.

Some other events that occurred in January- my car was hit by a fellow dance father at the dance studio and of course he is lying and saying that I hit him. When I try to contact him, he has threatened us with filing harassment against us. So I took an entire day to be angry and upset and now I am moving on! Karma will give him what he deserves! The sad part is that our daughters are in the same dance class!

 I have been busily boxing up, throwing out and cleaning every nook and cranny on our current home to get it ready for sale. Stressing over every inch of carpet, woodwork and walls. To my surprise we had our  house under contract in less than 7 hours after listing it! Yay for us! But it also gives us a definitive date to be out of this house and I just pray our new one will be ready!

I have always been a huge fan of HGTV- since it first graced our airwaves- I am currently a huge fan of Fixer Upper! But honestly those shows are a little deceiving- yes they occasionally give you timelines and budgets but at the end of the 30 or 60 minutes you see this pristine home as perfect as the ones that don the covers of every DIY magazine and that my friends is so not realistic!! That has been on my mind a lot lately! When we started this project- I too had high hopes of a model like home when we move in but my reality has taken some time to adjust to. When we move in, yes we will have bathrooms, a kitchen and flooring- maybe some paint on the walls, but it will not be Complete! I am ok with that- now! Now- but I haven't been ok with it up to this point!

In keeping this light, we are still moving forward- our siding has been added, sofetts and all of our electric is currently being installed, Jason has been working at the house til 1:00 in the morning to pull wire, add exhaust fans, dig out concrete- you name it! what a trooper! Looking to have our electric inspected on Monday and then we will be dry-walling the house! Yay! Here are some of the tings we have been doing! Happy Heart month !

Drywall Delivery

That's A lot of Drywall!

Foam Insulation

Electrical Nightmare!

Kitchen & Dining Room!

New Siding On Addition

Jason cutting holes in roofs!

Fan vent complete!

Abby's Room Has Drywall!